Channel: Kelly Clarkson
Category: Music
Tags: kelly clarkson when christmas comes aroundi dare youkelly clarkson karaokechristmas karaokewhat doesn't kill youwhen christmas comes aroundkelly clarkson merry christmas babyunderneath the treekelly clarkson christmas musickelly clarksonwrapped in redlove so softkellychristmasnew christmas musickaraokesince u been gonemerry christmas baby kelly clarksonclarksonstrongeramerican idolthe voicemerry christmas baby
Description: Kelly Clarkson - Merry Christmas Baby (Karaoke Video) Listen to 'When Christmas Comes Around...': Subscribe for more content from Kelly Clarkson: Follow Kelly Clarkson: Lyrics: You let flowers say I love you You let diamonds hold my hand So this Christmas I’m makin’ new plans (Merry Christmas baby) You send gifts that someone else picks You send cards with empty promises But you don’t need to worry bout me again (Merry Christmas baby) You’ll wake up all alone and Wonder why I’m not home and I’ll let my phone ring A dose of your kind of love and I’ll let my absence show ya What I got you for Christmas is losing me Merry Christmas baby You can have just what you gave me You can keep the charm and lies And you can keep your wandering hands and eyes (Merry Christmas baby) You’ll wake up all alone and Wonder why I’m not home and I’ll let my phone ring (I’ll let it ring) A dose of your kind of love and I’ll let my absence show ya What I got you for Christmas is losing me Merry Christmas baby So have yourself a Merry Christmas Hope it’s not as cold as you (cold as you) Merry Christmas baby (Merry Christmas) Merry Christmas baby (Merry Christmas) Merry Christmas baby to you #KellyClarkson #MerryChristmasBaby #WhenChristmasComesAround #Karaoke