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Keir Starmer to make statement pledging to resign if fined over 'beergate' claims – watch live

Duration: 26:01Views: 14.9KLikes: 276Date Created: May, 2022

Channel: Guardian News

Category: News & Politics

Tags: politicscovidkeir starmer lockdowncovid ruleskeir starmer quitskeir starmerlabourkeir starmer durhamstarmer currystarmer beergate statementuklockdownguardianstarmer covid breachkeir starmer beerkeir starmer livekeir starmer resignkeir starmer takeawaynewsstarmer beerbeergatestarmer statement todaykeir starmer live today2022keir starmer currystarmer lockdownkeir starmer beergatecovid 19quitresignkeir starmer lockdown breach

Description: Keir Starmer is expected to make a statement in which he will promise to resign if Durham police conclude that he broke the lockdown rules in Durham last year when he had a curry and a beer with Labour colleagues. Subscribe to Guardian News on YouTube ► bit.ly/guardianwiressub The Guardian publishes independent journalism, made possible by supporters. Contribute to The Guardian today ► bit.ly/3uhA7zg Sign up to the Guardian's free new daily newsletter, First Edition ► theguardian.com/first-edition Website ► theguardian.com Facebook ►facebook.com/theguardian Twitter ► twitter.com/guardian Instagram ► instagram/guardian #KeirStarmer #Beergate #Covid #Lockdown #Beer #Curry #Durham

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