Channel: Drift0r
Category: Gaming
Tags: call of duty modern warfare 2call of duty warzonegunsdrift0rmodern warfare 2anti-cheatmw2packet burstinstalling shadersatvimw2 gameplayspawnsdrift0r in depthfootstepscall of duty nftsmodern warfare 2 gameplaycod nftspawn systemlagframe ratesbmmaudiocriticismperkswarzonedriftorcod mw2activisiondead silencelightingdoorsconsole fov sliderwarzone 2 gameplayfov sliderwarzone vanguardvanguardweaponsgameplay
Description: My Twitter: Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 is a officially releasing fall 2022. There are rumors that it will support NFTs. Call of Duty Warzone 2 will be releasing next year and replacing current Warzone. This video is about the top 10 things I don't want to see in Modern Warfare 2. I hope MW2 gameplay is as good as the original. Twitch: Shorts channel: Discord: 5% off ASTRO: Code "drift0r" also saves 5% off (if the link doesn't do it automatically) Gamer Advantage Glasses: 10% off w/ code "drift0r" 5% off Netduma R2 Router w/ code "DRFT" CoD Creator code: "DRIFT0R" ^must be all CAPS, 0 is a zero Epic Games Support-a-Creator: "drift0r_thereal" Get a free stock from WeBull: