Channel: CraftyFoxe
Category: Entertainment
Tags: intermodal model traingunderson maxi-ivatlas containerwell carcrafty foxrealisticreviewlocomotivefreight trainkato well carmodelcraftyfoxykato container trainrailwaykato intermodal traindouble stack container trainho scalestack container traintrain53' containerkatorailroadcontainer trainkato ho scalegundersonmaxi-ivdouble stackunboxingintermodal trainbnsf well carkato unboxing
Description: Unboxing Kato HO Scale BNSF Swoosh Gunderson MAXI-IV 3 unit 53' well car, along with some shipping containers to run some intermodal double stack freight trains and comparing it with the Walthers. I got the well cars from and containers from eBay Discord: Foxshot Server: