Channel: AmuricanPyro
Category: Entertainment
Tags: cobraassortmentvuurwerk compilatie 2016 2017rocketromancannonnitraat500gvuurwerk compilatie 2017vuurwerkthunderaerialdumbomexcaliburarialmortarscakemissilehugecakesshoppingking4thfp3julywhistlefireworktubeshelleffectthunderkingshotsmortarcandlespowderfireworksshotsalutefuseshellsgram1.3g1lbsmokestoreexplosiontaneritecobra 6candlecompilatiestashrepeater
Description: 4th of July is not the only day where pyro excitement kicks in. What happened to the other days of the year? Those are the days when you hear your neighbors light cakes and shells, the time when you light some fireworks yourself in anticipation for the big day and ultimately - the idea that your favorite holiday is days away. I personally like to stretch this high holiday as far as I can by doing 4th-related activities during the entire year. So here is what we do during the off-season. Enjoy! Royalty-free Music Credit: Vibe With Me by Joakim Karud Music provided by Audio Library