Channel: Jarno Laasala
Category: People & Blogs
Tags: jarppipowerparktalohptuliallasjarnolaasalauimajarnoheightsuomiturkupoolleontakaisinjarno laasalaspeakervlogjukka is backjarnonuima-allasdogjukka hildenhp parviainenactivitythe dudesonsseinäjokifunlandbackhouselifeaktiviteettiduudsonitdudesonsvlogjukkacamerajarppi leppalaparkfinlandfactorykoiracentergetorade centerpuistodudesonsnaimisissakotivaimoseinajokirushonnikauniainengetoradelaasalamarriedageasuu
Description: HP'S 5 WORST ACCIDENTS 👍🏻 Subscribe to my channel FOLLOW ME HERE!! Instagram: jarnodudeson Twitter: jarnodudeson Snapchat: jarnodudeson Hi, I'm Jarno Laasala. Started this channel to connect with you and taking this as an adventure to something new. Learning about myself and life everyday. Trying to be my best but also accept myself with my flaws. Let's spread the love to ourselves and each other! Be part of us and subscribe to this channel. Let's do this together! I'm Entrenepreneur, Founder of Rabbit Films production company and Troot Youtube Network. Filmmaker and a Dudeson. Live in Kauniainen, Finland but visit Los Angeles quite often. My other social medias Instagram: jarnodudeson Twitter: jarnodudeson Snapchat: jarnodudeson