Channel: Project Zorgo
Category: Entertainment
Tags: mineralsjoseph banksmacbookescape roomabandonedin real life3amriddlesrobloxcomedychad wild claydanielmissionhauntedninjavsspygamevyhiddentakeoverentertainmentscientistsecretsafe housemarmarkunicornproject zorgocarnew membersvy qwaintfunnyirlexplorepz1qbanguyspy ninja networkzorgocwctarget2019snnhackerexploring24 hoursfungadgetstunnelclues
Description: All PZ Members must begin hacking the SPY NINJA NETWORK here: Chad Wild Clay, Vy Qwaint, and Ex Project Zorgo member Daniel PZ1 are without a home, but they are receiving help from a mysterious scientist known as Joseph Banks. He has been collecting strange materials and minerals for an experiment that will help the YouTubers. We must not let this happen. We have a squad whose current mission is to find Banks and place the mind control device on him. Our new members have been assigned the task of tracking Mr. Banks and get his efforts of helping the CWC team to be abandoned. Our attempts to infiltrate the Spy Ninja Network are still ongoing, and we have a few members who are deep into the process. Project Zorgo must get onto the leaderboards so we can gain access to the Network and accomplish our ultimate mission. All available PZ units must download the app and put your hacker skills to work. We must prevent people from watching these entertainment friendly comedy videos in 2019! And always remember, Project Zorgo is watching. We are posting additional information to Project Zorgo members here: Instagram: Twitter: If you would like to join our team and help us stop YouTubers (because they are not REAL celebrities), please gather information and clues on the 'TARGET Channels' and leave us comments with any helpful data you find. Our current TARGET Channels are: Chad Wild Clay Vy Qwaint Daniel PZ1 Exposing Project Zorgo Be like Project Zorgo and use music from Epidemic Sounds here: