Channel: JerrysArtarama
Category: Howto & Style
Tags: how toartiststepbystepjerrys artaramalive artfree art lessonsclaessenswilliamsburgblickartfixask me anythinghow-togamblinfredrixdiyoil primeddiy canvasnew york centrallinenjerrysartarama.comtutorialacrylic primedcotton duckart projectscanvasstretching canvasrichesonraphaelart teachersgessolive streamjerry's artaramastretcher barsart lessonsbell artelive artisthow to stretch canvasuniversal primed
Description: Jerry's LIVE Episode #JL229: Canvas Palooza! - Stretching Your Own Canvas Details: This week is the GRAND FINALE for all things canvas and painting surfaces! Now that you have the knowledge of different types of canvas, stretcher bars, and other surface options, we’ll be putting it all together for a step-by-step instruction on how to stretch your very own canvas. Emmy and the Jerry’s LIVE crew will be joined by Heather Goldstein, the Queen of Canvas knowledge (definitely her official title) one last time, so feel free to grab those stretcher bars and canvas you have and stretch with us! Full Event Details Document: Products Used in Live Event: Emmy's Jerry's Live Page: Show Listings by Topic: Show Listings Chronologically: