Channel: Adrienne Hill
Category: Howto & Style
Tags: moving to korea vlogmoving to seoul 2022teaching in korea vloglife in korea 2022student in korea 2022living in korea vloguniversity korea vlogmoving to korea 2022teaching in korea 2022teaching in korea seoulamwfliving in seoul vlogmoving to seoul vlogleaving korea vlogstudent in korea vlogadrienne hillliving in korea 2022
Description: Welcome back ♡ In today’s vlog I’m catching you all up on what’s been going on the past month and why I’ve been so MIA. I really appreciate your patience during these past few weeks while I’ve been pretty inactive on here! I just want to say thank you for always being patient, and thank you to those who check in on me / still engage on instagram even when I’m MIA on youtube 🥲 Also~ my boyfriend decided to start a kind of couples channel, he does all the filming / editing but I wanted to link it here in case you want to check it out! Feel free to subscribe to it if you want 💯 ➥INSTAGRAM - ➥WORK WITH ME - FTC: This video is not sponsored.