Category: Music
Tags: jeannedynabeat videoheads upyou can blame mejain heads uphopemusicdynabeat jaindynabeat clipjain all my daysall my daysjain makebajain you can blame meyodelicejaneabletonjain acousticmr johnsonmakebajain so peacefulcomejain mr johnsonspooklandjainso peacefuljain lyricsjain hobjain comejain lil mamajain paroleslil mamajain dynabeatjain come lyricshobdynabeatjain hope
Description: Jain - Dynabeat - From "Zanaka", album available : --- Réalisation : Greg et Lio Production Executive : ART BRIDGE - Quad group Production : Spookland --- Subscribe to Jain's channel : COME (video clip) : MAKEBA (video clip) : --- Follow Jain on : Facebook : Twitter : Instagram : Official website : --- LYRICS Dynabeat, you better keep it groovin' dynabeat all the night, dynabeat , you better keep on dancing' dancing now all the night, tick tack time tries to give the tempo, music is my way to make it all go, tick time time tries to give the tempo, and music is my way to make it all go, i can't stop the clocks but i can make a rhythm out of it, we are lead by the rhythm and the hearts beat flow, like it's in your genes you feel the need to move. CHORUS all for one and one for all ,we raise our hands to push away the dawn, all for one and one for all,we raise our hands to push away the dawn, and when comes the night, our demons will fly, Love it or hate it , but you have no other choices, you have to realize that we are all, living on a beat. CHORUS