Channel: Amoeba
Category: Music
Tags: indieamoeba hollywoodamoeba whats in my baghollywoodwhats in my baglpartistdjbay areaamoeba musicmusicrecord storerecordwhat's in my bagvinyl recordslos angelesvinylsan franciscoshoppingameobastoreamoeba music (business operation)jace claytonnew yorkamoeba recordsamebawhat's in my bag?berkeleyamoeba what's in my baglanycamoebawriterinterviewdj /ruptureinterdisciplinary artist
Description: Artist and writer Jace Clayton, also known as DJ /rupture, goes shopping at Amoeba Music in Hollywood! Jace Clayton's book "Uproot: Travels in 21st Century Music and Digital Culture" is available via Farrar, Straus and Giroux. Check out his picks: Helado Negro - Far In (LP) Juan Peña Lebrijano with Orquesta Andalusi De Tanger - Encuentros (LP) Rob Gee, Charly Lownoise, Mental Theo & Repete - Riot In N.Y. (LP) Scientist - Scientific Dub (LP) Gucci Mane with Neil Martinez-Belkin - The Autobiography of Gucci Mane (BOOK) Kim Gordon - Girl In A Band (BOOK) Muzsikás - The Prisoner's Song (LP) LOW - HEY WHAT (LP) Abdullah Mussa Ahmed & Seif Salim Saleh - Taarab 1: The Music Of Zanzibar (LP) Get Jace Clayton's music: Follow us on Twitter: Like us on Facebook: