Channel: HardCorllector
Category: Entertainment
Tags: youtubecaughtcardshiddenboxbestarceussecretboosterrarestrarecharizarddayearlyhaulsurprisenewpokemonpulledhardcorllectorcollectionpacksopeningmysteryunboxingvstar
Description: OFFICIAL POKEMON DAY IS HERE! To help kick off the celebration of one of the best days of the year, we are opening a brand new Booster box of the new Brilliant stars set! Not only is this our first booster box of the new set, it was sent directly from The Pokemon Company! Could this be the best box ever?! You will not believe what happens during this unboxing! Also stay tuned for the end to see all the new Pokemon product we have lined up for our next unboxings and best of all, we let you choose what's next to open! So come celebrate this occasion with us as we have a fun filled adventure cracking open this outstanding and breath taking booster box! Thank you for watching and sharing the fun with us! PLEASE "LIKE", "COMMENT", "SHARE" & "SUBSCRIBE" It Helps us out so much!! SUBSCRIBE TO ETHANS CHANNEL HERE: Want to send us mail to open on the channel/Facebook?! Send it here to our MAIL ADDRESS: HARDCORLLECTOR P.O. BOX 92 Lakewood, CA 90714-0092 (New Update...Only send 1 way items only. No returns unfortunately anymore.) Be Friends With Us On FaceBook! ANDREW TEACH Follow us on instagram! βABOUT HARDCORLLECTOR CHANNELβ Hardcorllector is the most Fun Family Friendly Cards & Collectibles channel that is fun for everyone BUT IS MADE SOLELY FOR A MATURE COLLECTOR AUDIENCE & NOT INTENDED OR DIRECTED AT CHILDREN! This channel focuses on the fun that Collecting brings! The Dad is known as "Hardcorllector" (For always being a hardcore collector) and the son is known as Ethan Monster (known for being a "monster" since being a mischievous baby). Carl is a Shopkeeper who opened a real store inside their house and is known for being a very shady and over mature character! Mom is camera shy while the littlest one Arianna will be appearing on special moments in the channel. They collect everything Pokemon cards for nostalgia, highly collectible marvel and DC figures, Cards, Legos, disney, various movie items and even high end figures like Hot Toys! This is the place to enjoy the hobby of collecting and enjoy some of the funniest family bonding toy and card unboxings you will ever see! SHARE THE FUN!