Channel: JeremyShaferOrigami
Category: Howto & Style
Tags: jeremyshaferorigamiiso-area flasher cubeorigami jeremy shaferorigami tutorialorigami flasher jeremy shaferpapiroflexiaflasher cubeorigami cubeorigamiorigami double sidedorigami flasher折纸jeremy shafer flasherisoarea flasher cubeorigami tato cubeorigami gift boxisoarea flasherflasher origami tutorialflasher jeremy shaferorigami easyorigami boxflasher origami
Description: How to fold an Iso-Area Flasher Cube from a 6X6 Grid. This cube has two openable compartments where you can store things, so it's a double-sided gift box! And it resembles a tato, so it's a double-sided origami tato cube! Ooooh... I just discovered something else REALLY cool about this model... Remember the Sliding Seamless Cubes? Well this model can do the same thing but since there are flaps on four sides (instead of just one side), they can hook together like legos to form a grid of boxes! And since the top and bottom both have flaps and pockets you could use these as units to construct any 3-dimensional bitmapped object! This origami Flasher Cube was discovered by member Sonny during March 2022 Eastern Hemisphere Members Livestream. I was leading the group in trying to design a 6X6 Grid Flasher Cube and my attempt was not going so well, but Sonny went in his own direction and managed to figure out a rather simple clean way to close the top. He thought it could only be used to close the top, but I helped him to see that since it was iso-area, the same technique could be done to close the bottom of the model as well. Design credit also goes to Ritwik, who didn't even attend the Eastern Hemisphere livestream, but it was at his request that we tried design a "6X6 Grid Flasher Cube." Special for my members I've made a tutorial for a variation I figured out that achieves the double closure from a 4X4 Grid Flasher, which results in a very aesthetic larger cube with no loose flaps sticking out. To join as a member here is the link: Sonny's isoarea flasher cube closure technique also works on an 8X8 isoarea flasher or any simple iso-area flasher for that matter, and you can experiment with that! Have fun folding 折纸! Here are some ways to support me to make more awesome origami videos: 1. Join as a Member to get access to perks: 2. Book a private origami Zoom tutoring session here: 3: Buy one of my books or packages of paper on my Amazon shop: 4. Subscribe and hit the notification bell: 5: Follow me on Instagram: ... or Facebook: 6: Please tell your friends about my channel. Thank you for watching and enjoying these videos!