Channel: Rudi Rok
Category: Entertainment
Tags: gunsoundstand up comediancomdeyrudi rokmaailman hauskinrokcavemanhumourstand upbeatboxleikolafightfunnybeatboxing (musical genre)comedybeat box (composition)gun soundancientbattleismo leikolaluolamiescaveman fightpersonworld funniestrudiismocaveman (film subject)
Description: Have you ever wondered what the Cavemen sounded like 200 000 years ago? Thumbs up if you enjoyed the knowledge Ismo Leikola shared :) For more Ismo's videos check out his channel This was definitely a fun video to make! Contact information: You can send me e-mail to: -Find me on Facebook where I post all of my things and sometimes other thing that I find funny or entertaining: -Follow me on instagram witch is the place that I use daily and post photos where I go and sometimes where I don't: -Tweet me because i'm on twitter and birds are nice: -YouTube is the place so if you ever forget I won't forget so just easy way to avoid that is to change your starting page to: -Snapchat...well there is a story that keeps on going @rudirok ROK ON!!!!