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Is VR the Future of Anime?

Duration: 10:48Views: 29.5KLikes: 2.4KDate Created: Mar, 2020

Channel: Explanation Point

Category: Film & Animation

Tags: virtual realitygameshowrecommendationwhyinteracttraveling while blackwhencuteheadreviewspicy wolflawrencewherespice and wolf vrpetfunnyspice and wolfwise wolfwolves in the wallsexplanation pointwhataccounting +oculus riftholovrhtc viveanimeexclamation pointwhostory

Description: My Patreon! patreon.com/explanationpoint Since the release of Spice and Wolf VR, the question of virtual reality and its interaction with visual art has been on the minds of anime fans the world over. Where could this marriage of Japanimation and the virtual world bring us, other than a real-life Sword Art Online? Let's find out. Twitter: Twitter.com/expoint140

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