Channel: Sound Field
Category: Education
Tags: the shaggspbsmusic educationlegendary stardust cowboyoutsider musicexperimental musicla bucknersound field pbspbs digital studiosnahre solrewire.orgarnold schoenbergavant gardemusicoutsider musiciansjohn cagerewiremusic lessonvideo essayclassical musicharry partch
Description: PBS Member Stations rely on viewers like you. To support your local station, go to: ↓ More info below ↓ What is music? From John Cage to Legendary Stardust Cowboy, avant-garde artists have forever been pushing on the edges of what is considered music. Composers like Arnold Schoenberg, Harry Partch and outsider musicians like The Shaggs are constantly changing music. Hosts Nahre Sol and LA Buckner examine the space between music and not music and create an original composition - but is it music? The Golden Ratio and Fibonacci Sequence in Music Why Is This Song So Sad? Please SUBSCRIBE! ►► We like music. You like music. Let’s break it down. Sound Field is a PBS Digital Studios web series produced by #SoundFieldPBS #Rewire #PBSDigitalStudios