Channel: UNLEARN the lies
Category: Education
Tags: unlearntheliesis the holy spirit godpneumatology doctrine of the holy spiritlex meyerunlearnthe forgotten goddoctrine of the holy spiritpneumatologypneumatology the study of the holy spiritpneumatology bible versesthe third person of the trinityyeshuaholy spiritis the holy spirit a personunlearn the liespneumatology theologywho is the holy spiritbible truthpneumatology teachingtrinity
Description: Who is the Holy Spirit? Some people seem to think the Holy Spirit is an impersonal force or influence while others deny His very existence, and some simply don’t know who or what the Holy Spirit is. However, I believe the Bible is very clear on this matter. UNLEARN the lies with Lex Meyer Become a Member: Visit my website: Support UNLEARN: The Grafted Church: