Channel: The K family
Category: People & Blogs
Tags: is keilly daytingwhat's going onafter school routine with my friendsbad newswhat's wrong with kendry's carfamily vlogsalison gonzalezkeilly's new friendsnickfriday after school routinedid she got detectionfriendly familykeillydaytingbad news for kendrymovie nightnew houseforever family vlogswhat's wrong with keilly at the schoolthere is to much going onfriends nightkendry is so maddailyrealitydaily vlogreal familyboyfriends
Description: #afterschoolroutine#dailyvlog#badnewsforkendry#prank#reality#movienight#thekfamily Is Friday, after-school routine with my friends. links of the product - Nutricost Creatine Monohydrate Micronized Powder 500G, 5000mg Per Serv - Pure Micronized Creatine Monohydrate/ Sascha Fitness Hydrolyzed Whey Protein Isolate,100% Grass-Fed (2 Pounds, All) (Caramel)/ Bucked Up Pre Workout 6 Grams Citrulline, 2 Grams Beta Alanine, and 3 Other Registered trademarked Ingredients (Blue Raz)/ Bucked Up - Woke - HIGH STIM Pre Workout - Best Tasting - Focus Nootropic, Pump, Strength and Growth, 30 Servings (Blue Raz)/ Sascha Fitness BCAA 4:1:1 + Glutamine,HMB,L-Carnitine,HICA | Powerful and Instant Powder Blend with Branched Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs) for Pre,Intra and Post-Workout | Natural Watermelon Flavor,350g/ Hello Guys we’re the K Family this is a new vlog channel, we hope you like it. We are Kevin, Kendry, and Keilly, our parents are Yelany and Alexander, they are from CUBA Thank you guys for watching! Transformacion y decoracion para la temporada de Otoño .Hazlo por ti ./ Surprising Kendry with his first car "emotional "/KEILLY AND KENDRY/ Nos fuimos de compras ,todo un dia de risas y momentos increibles !!Hazlo por ti .VLOG#3/ Este juego llego muy lejos ,casi nos quedamos sin pelo .Compras y Haul .Vlog#6/ PLEASE YOU GUYS THUMBS UP THIS VIDEO AND ALSO SUBSCRIBE TO OUR CHANNEL! SHARE WITH YOUR FAMILY AND FRIENDS! NEW CHANNEL HAZLO POR TI KELLY ALONSO: KELLY AND KENDRY / KEVIN ALONSO / Hope you guys enjoy it!! 2. Don't forget to like comment and subscribe !!! BUSINESS FOLLOW US ON OUR SOCIAL MEDIA 3. INSTAGRAM:https:// 4.kool_kooper_ /INSTAGRAM/ Yelanyperez THIS IS NOT SPONSORED VIDEO Last day of Summer 2021 !FRESHMAN & JUNIOR. VLOG#727/ First day at school wasn't as expected ...VLOG#728/ Back to school shopping vlog .VLOG#729/ Shopping , Try-on Haul and more on our second day in Palm Beach .VLOG#705/ Our third day at Palm Beach was Successful .vlog#706/ Vacation Vlog Day #4 What happened with Kendry and Keilly ?VLOG#707/ Keilly deleted Snapchat .WHY?VLOG#602/ EMOTIONAL DAY !!HUGE SURPRISE !!VLOG#604/ My new room is almost ready !!!VLOG#605/ Keilly's school morning routine .!!!VLOG#606/ A really sad day !VLOG#549/ really happened on our first day on the island...VLOG#464/ Kendry got lost somewhere at the Island .vlog#465/ OUR LAST DAY AT THE ISLAND ENDED REALLY BAD ..... VLOG#466/ We got Kevin's ( COVID- 19 )test result ...VLOG#467/