Channel: Parrot Wizard
Category: Pets & Animals
Tags: too old50 years oldhow oldoutlivetrainingrehomeparrotsocializationagerescuetrain
Description: Is 50 years old too old to get a parrot? What is the maximum age for getting a parrot? Is it ok to get a parrot if it will outlive you? Due to the very long lifespans of parrots (20-50 years for smaller and up to 100 for larger), people often wonder if they are too old to be getting a parrot. This is a very reasonable and valid concern. The thing is that a companion parrot, with proper care, is likely to outlive nearly anyone. So, this isn't the criteria to be judging the answer to this question. People are far more likely to outlive their ability or desire to take care of a parrot than for the bird to outlive them. Sooner or later, all parrots will end up under someone else's care. This is why, rather than focus on age, I would much rather focus on training and socialization. The reason parrots outliving their owner is looked down on is because the owner did a poor job of socializing the parrot. So, when the owner passes away, the parrot is miserable and unable to cope with the changes. The same holds true with rehoming parrots. However, it does not have to be this way. With proper training and care, a parrot should be able to befriend your entire family and new people as well. Training is super useful whether your parrot is friendly to you or not. By introducing solid tools and methods in the process of training, you ensure that other people can attain the same behavior from your parrot. Furthermore, you also ensure that the parrot will be familiar with what other people are asking for because of the common language that training creates. So, it doesn't matter if you are 50, 60, or 70 years old for that matter. If you are in good health and have the willingness to properly educate your parrot, your age is not a concern. On the other hand, if you feel that you may not have the time, willingness, or ability to prepare a parrot for life without you, there are other ways that you can enjoy a parrot. You can volunteer at a parrot rescue or foster a parrot in your home temporarily. Don't let age be a deciding factor for getting a parrot. Let it be willingness to learn how to properly care for a parrot, socialize it to like many people, and prepare it for a wonderful life with or without you. Learn how to train your parrot to be an awesome companion for you, your family, and any future people the parrot may end up living with using The Parrot Wizard's Guide to Well-Behaved Parrots: From the exclusive videos from Parrot Academy: And Parrot Wizard supplies to help enhance your relationship with your parrot: