Channel: Max Yuryev
Category: Education
Tags: settingsiphone 12 pro dolby visioniphone 12 dolby visionlowlightdolby vision hdrapple dolby visionwhat is dolby visionhow to edit dolby visioniphone 12 dolby vision example footageiphone 12 reviewiphone 12 hdrhow to enable dolby vision iphone 12oled tvhow to export dolby vision
Description: Here's how Dolby Vision is different than regular HDR and why it matters that the iPhone 12 and 12 Pro now has it! Get your Squarespace site free trial: Shot with (Amazon)➡ Lens➡ Mic (Amazon)➡ Follow Max on Twitter: Follow on Instagram: Follow on Facebook: -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- PRIVACY POLICY and FULL DISCLOSURE: °Max Yuryev is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to °Max Yuryev is a participant in the B&H Photo Video affiliate program that provides an advertising commission if you purchase through our links. °If you purchase something from our affiliate links will get a small commission with no extra cost to you. This makes it possible for us to make more videos. Thank you! °We DO NOT collect, store, use, or share any data about you. -~-~~-~~~-~~-~-