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Introducing Obey Zelta by Obey King (A Cold War Sniping Montage)

Duration: 03:21Views: 4.9KLikes: 463Date Created: Sep, 2021

Channel: Obey Alliance

Category: Gaming

Tags: black ops cold warobey zeltasniping montageblack ops cold war sniping montageobey teamtageintroducing obey zeltacall of duty vanguardcold war sniping montagecall of dutyobey dicescold war montageobey frannobey evolutionobey sniperscall of duty montagebocw season 4black ops cold war snipingobey snipingbocwcod montageobey sniping montageobey alliancecold war snipingobey kingcall of duty snipingcodvanguardobey raves

Description: Zelta is one of the BEST SNIPERS in the world. His sniping montage will blow you away! Obey: ‘EVOLUTION’ - A Call of Duty Teamtage by Stolen, Lunaa, & Roo - youtu.be/7eGC_ybo1io Use code "Obey" for a DISCOUNT on GFUEL! 🥤- gfuel.ly/2ZLPCk3 Protect your eyes & improve your sleep! Use code 'OBEY' at checkout! 👓 - gameradvantage.com/?ref=OBEY​ Player: Obey Zelta twitter.com/ObeyZelta youtube.com/c/ObeyZelta Editor: Obey King twitter.com/kinggmvm youtube.com/user/KlNGEDY0 Thumbnail: Obey Zero & Obey Kane: twitter.com/ZeroCuh twitter.com/ObeyKane_ Watch our other Call of Duty Videos: ➤Obey: ‘EVOLUTION’ - A Call of Duty Teamtage by Stolen, Lunaa, & Roo - youtu.be/7eGC_ybo1io ➤ Obey: Cold War Sniping Teamtage #2 - youtu.be/PjiMNupS1H8 ➤ Obey: 'REBELLION' Teamtage - youtu.be/X0AOe3OXwxw ➤ Introducing Obey Pavs (A Cold War Sniping Montage) - youtu.be/jaG_LnV7kbA Our Social Medias: ➤ Twitter: twitter.com/ObeyAlliance ➤ Instagram: instagram.com/theobeyallance ➤ Twitch: twitch.tv/team/obeyalliance ➤ Merch: obeyalliance.com Obey COD Leaders: Obey Raves: twitter.com/Ravers Obey Frann: twitter.com/ObeyFrann Obey Dices: twitter.com/ObeyDices #YouShallObey #ObeyAlliance #CoDMontage

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