Channel: Sele Training
Category: Science & Technology
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Description: If you’ve been looking for a way to cut the cord or you need a mobile cell-based Internet solution to run all your devices, then you should consider the Insty Connect Explorer 4G12. This is far superior to the MoFi 4500 I have recommended in the past and is going to shakeup the market. Pre Order Insty Connect: We Can Explore It RV Channel: Insty Connect First Look Video: Support me on Amazon: Contents 0:00 1. Angel Wing Antenna 1:21 2. No Signal Loss 1:57 3. Category 12 Modem 2:35 4. 2.4Ghz & 5Ghz Wi-Fi 3:18 5. Dual SIM Slots 3:44 6. 3X Carrier Aggregation 4:23 7. Modular Design 4:54 8. TTL Setting 5:14 9. Mobile Remote Control 5:48 10. 12-Volt Power Connector 6:06 11. Competitive Pricing 6:24 12. How To Get Insty Connect 7:18 #seletraining #instyconnect