Channel: Mikey Bustos
Category: Comedy
Tags: keto dietspeedosindomiefriend noodlesinstant noodlespinoycomedynoodleslolasianpilipinoinstant noodlemanilafoodmikey bustosdietingmusicramenintermittent fastingmeghan trainorfilipinono excusesphilippinesketogenic
Description: ▶Click here to SUBSCRIBE to my channel: ▶Click here to SUBSCRIBE TO MY NEW DAILY VLOGS: There's the keto diet, intermittent fasting, but before all of these trending diets, there was this! Who here has been on the Instant Noodle Diet at some point in their lives? My brother, cousins, and I were crazy for instant noodles, and sometimes ate it for breakfast, lunch, and dinner! It even sustained me through college and the fun days of living alone for the first time in my first apartment! To celebrate the iconic "Instant Noodle Diet" here is a parody I wrote to Meghan Trainor's "No Excuses". Enjoy! Check out my new music channel: For booking inquiries please email: To mail us stuff: Attn: Ma. Ellsie Gumban Unit 3F, First Metro Strata Building, 685 Nuevo De Febrero St, Mandaluyong City, Metro Manila, Philippines Please follow me: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: Website: