Channel: Serenity17
Category: Gaming
Tags: rainbow six siegerainbow six siege acerainbow 6 siegerainbow six siege clutchfunny momentsrainbow six siege new operatorspro leaguetacticrainbow six siege gameplayhighlightrainbow six siege para bellumfrostrainbow six gameplayrankedrainbow six siege operatorscavrainbow six siege instant karmaclaymoresixtwitchserenity17siegepara bellumrainbow six siege maestroalibirainbowinstant karmarainbow six: siegestrategygameplay
Description: Highlights of some ranked games in Rainbow Six Siege Operation Para Bellum where I get instant karma-ed for being toxic on the new map villa. I've been enjoying frost a lot lately, her smg isn't nearly as bad as I thought it was and her traps are so gooood ;D Sorry there was no video yesterday, I was busy with moving and had no internet. Hope you guys like it! Snapchat: RealSerenity17 1 055 800 Subs