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Inner Guide to MANIFEST ANYTHING ~ Manifest While you Sleep Meditation

Duration: 03:00:01Views: 8.1KLikes: 313Date Created: May, 2022

Channel: Dauchsy

Category: Entertainment

Tags: manifest meditationmanifestsleep musicsleep meditationmanifest while you sleepsleep guided meditationguide to manifestaffirmationsguided meditationsleepmanifest anythingrelaxing musicmeditationdauchsypositive affirmationslaw of attraction

Description: Inner Guide to MANIFEST ANYTHING ~ Manifest While you Sleep Meditation Intro: 0:00 - 4:16 Guided Meditation: 4:16 - 16:10 Positive Affirmations: 16:10 - 3:00:00 There is a presence inside all of us. A presence that guides us. It guides us to all that is right in this world. It guides us to our deepest meaning, to our richest purpose. It guides us to our inner most desires and is the provider of everything we need in life. Even when we are lost, it will guide us home. All we must do is follow. But we are given a choice, always. Do we choose to follow that voice that beckons us forward? Or do we choose to ignore it? If you choose to ignore it, you will notice an emptiness that will begin to grow inside you. And as you attempt to fill that hole, with your temporarily gratifying vice of choice, you soon find that the void you are attempting to satisfy only expands even wider. The fire in your eyes slowly fades into darkness and the oasis that is your soul dries into a baren desert. If these words feel all too familiar, and you find yourself falling deep into that abyss, you must, now more than ever, listen to that voice. It’s trying to tell you something. Now, When you choose to listen, and follow that voice that calls to you, it will awaken something deep inside. It will feel as if time is standing still just for you, yet in that same still moment, you will sense the rhythm of its beating heart as you glide through life’s dance so effortlessly, with joy and fulfillment. Even failure comes with a flavor of bittersweet, knowing that the sour only enhances the sweetness to come. And Even the disbelievers will have their doubts as the presence of the divine becomes unmistakable. There are no coincidences. Only signs. Only voices to be heard. Some may only hear a soft whimper off in the distance, but for those who listen closely, you will hear and feel the immense roar coursing through your being. Carl Jung had a name for this incredible occurrence. He called it synchronicity. “a meaningful coincidence of two or more events where something other than the probability of chance is involved.” It’s something that happens when things are going exactly as they should, and everything begins to effortlessly fall into place. He stated “The problem with synchronicity has puzzled me for a long time. I was investigating the phenomena of the collective unconscious and kept on coming across connections which I simply could not explain as chance. What I found were “coincidences” which were connected so meaningfully that their “chance” concurrence would represent a degree of improbability that would have to be expressed by an astronomical figure. Synchronicity is an ever-present reality for those who have eyes to see” He is referring to that presence, that voice that calls to you. I believe he is unknowingly referring to the force that is the law of attraction. So I ask you now, to follow the steps in this meditation, and you will find what you are looking for. Those desires that you have deep inside you, they are there for a reason. Listen to that voice inside you. That voice is speaking to you now. It is always speaking to you. Follow it. You know what you want. You know what you desire. Now ask for it, and that voice will guide you. When you are ready, lie down, close your eyes, and let’s begin. Music: DS Productions - New Horizon Ds Productions - Quiet Reminiscence Peder B. Helland - Planet Earth

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