Channel: Monster Legends
Category: Gaming
Tags: adventureassistantshipieingenicalegendstvshowmonstersrelicsepiceventmonster legendsstory
Description: Have you got all 3 assistants? Don't forget to hatch them! From a very young age, it was clear that Ingenica’s intelligence was above average. She was just a child when she started creating her own little machines to play, and soon she became famous! Her signature monsters, Artifacts, are craved by all Masters, and her latest creation, Relics, will change battles forever. Just like The Keeper and Pandalf are very important for the history of Monster Legends, Ingenica has a key role to play in its future. The 4th and last phase is all about getting Ingenica. Starts 07.12.2017 12pm (CEST), Ends 13.12.2017 12pm (CEST) On 07.12.2017,a new secret island will appear, but ONLY if you already own all three of Ingenica’s assistants: Hippierion, Prototyperion and Sweeperion. You will ALWAYS have the option to get the assistants monsters to access the Forge Secrets Island through their scrolls if you missed them in their phases thanks to the time-limited chests. You can complete the island multiple times to get more than one Ingenica. Also,once the event ends, special offers for Ingenica’s owners only will be available.