Channel: Scott Turner
Category: Howto & Style
Tags: formeindustriousstudio dubbeldmake furnitureindustriousmakerscott turnerbespokediy decorforme industriousformeindustrialturnersteel and woodwoodworkingfabricaiondiybuildvintage3dtek cncmassoindustrial vintagecncscottmake
Description: I've had a long break from making a serious project and it was so good to get back in the shed. A few years back I found an old brass plate with Imperial Force Feed Oiler on it and I loved the old style. I Recreated the plate here for this coffee table. Here is some details of A.H McDonald and Co Pty.Ltd. A. H. McDonald & Co., Industrial Pioneers, owners and operators of the 'Imperial Engine Works', Melbourne, Australia (1903 - 1969). The timber I used is American Walnut. Steel is 40 x 40 x 5 Angle. Osmo Satin for the wood finish. Penetrol for the steel work. This video was made with the support and help of my wonderful patreon supporters and regular viewers of my channel. Thanks Aden from Studio Dubbeled for the Critique! Thank you all for watching - see you in the comments if not, the next video. Regards Scott - Forme Industrious