Channel: Rough Hands and Unusual Ideas
Category: Science & Technology
Tags: how to create ato makehow tosteelschlosserhandwerkhandsschrotmühleideacornprojectselbstgemachthow to make apower tool usesexperimentbyeasy corn shellerworkingweldinghomemadegrindermake amadetutorial diymetalbest shellerhow to build afield cornshow lifemillthe colectionbuilding acreatingmake madeeasy corn shellingcrazycorn shellinghow to shell cornhouseholdstepmanual corn shellingdevice
Description: Hi, im a Pensioner . Apart from my work i like DIY stuff, lifehacks, how to make, experiments, well everything that can be made by hand in a home enviorment. This channel " Rough Hands and Unusual Ideas " about new and old ideas that you might have known . This channel is a HACK COLLECTION. It’s an entartainment oriented channel, so do not try to repeat at home everything you see, as it might be dangerous. So take care of your health.