Channel: The Unusual Suspect
Category: Film & Animation
Tags: the unusual suspectmashupindiana jones 5indykids showmighty morphinpowerrangersmoviesaction adventureraiders of the lost arkaction figuresintroindiana jonesactionmashfunnypower rangers toysfilmsindy 5temple of doommorphin timechildren's televisionoperation overdrivesteven spielbergopeningthe last crusadepower rangerskingdom of the crystal skulloperationoverdrivetv showmorphstyle mashupindiana jones toysindianajones
Description: The 4 Indiana Jones films edited in the style of the intro to Power Rangers: Operation Overdrive Indiana Jones meets Power Rangers! Operation Overdrive and Indy have similar themes so a mash of the 2 made sense. Indy, Marion, Sallah, Short Round, Willy and Mutt, activate their morphers and take on the evil Belloq in episode 1, Mola Ram in episode 2, Donavan in episode 3 and Irina Spalko for the series finale! Always down to do more PR mashes. Check out my channel for the following! The Avengers (Power Rangers Style!) Avengers: Age of Ultron (Power Rangers: Zeo Style!) Fast and Furious (Power Rangers: Turbo Style) Star Trek (Power Rangers: In Space Style!) Star Wars (Power Rangers: Lost Galaxy Style) Agents of SHIELD (Power Rangers: Lightspeed Rescue Style!) Back to the Future (Power Rangers: Time Force Style!) Avatar TLA (Power Rangers: Ninja Storm Style!) Jurassic Park (Power Rangers: Dino Thunder Style!) Men in Black (Power Rangers: S.P.D. Style!) Harry Potter (Power Rangers: Mystic Force Style!) Indiana Jones (Power Rangers: Operation Overdrive Style!) Black Panther (Power Rangers: Jungle Fury Style!) The Terminator (Power Rangers: RPM Style!) The Legend of Korra (Power Rangers: Samurai Style!) Pirates of the Caribbean (Power Rangers: Megaforce Style!) Jurassic World (Power Rangers: Dino Charge Style!) Spider-Man (Power Rangers: Beast Morphers Style!) ______________________ And here's where you can follow me! Facebook: Twitter: Patreon (for Reviews): Patreon (for Mashups): Discord: Unusual Suspect SubReddit: #PowerRangers #IndianaJones #Mashup