Channel: Felix 10s
Category: Education
Tags: comparisonnavyaircraftasiapakistaneconomyindiaarmygdpfighter jetpowerfulmiddle eastisraelturkeymilitaryairforce
Description: India + Israel VS Pakistan + Turkey Military Power Comparison.Who would win? India and Israel have an extensive economic, military, and strategic relationship.India is one of the largest buyer of Israel military Equipment.Likewise both Turkey and Pakistan are major powers of the Islamic world and have a very good relation.Turkey is also currently a major arms seller to Pakistan. #India#Israel#Pakistan#Turkey#military#Tanks#fighter jets#submarines#air forces#navy#army Images and footage sometimes used are for demonstration purpose only. Some of the image used are from: Ministry of defense gov. of India Israeli defence force Music: The Complex and The descent Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0