Channel: Matt Maran Motoring
Category: Autos & Vehicles
Tags: gr corolla close uptoyota gr corollamatt maran motoringnew gr corollacorolla grsubaruwrxfantoyota corolla grgr corollagr corolla tourgr corolla details
Description: I take you for an in-depth tour of the 2023 Toyota GR Corolla, showing you an up-close, hands-on look at the exterior, interior and under the hood. What do you think about the new GR Corolla? Thanks to Toyota for providing me with this opportunity! Join this channel to get access to perks: Don't miss an upload! Hit the bell and subscribe if you haven't already! Link: Twitter @mattmaran Instagram @mattmaranmotoring Facebook: Shirts and other merch: Camera gear used (commissions earned): Business inquires can be directed to mattmaranmotoring (at) gmail (dot) com Matt Maran Motoring is a participant in the Amazon Influencer Program.