Channel: Metatron
Category: Education
Tags: lgbtq+studyaccurateshowclassicalhistoricaldiscussionresearchno bstalkcontroversialinclusivehistorical accuracyaccademicforwardpastmedievalhistoryrealopinionexplicitno racisminclusivitytruthrealitytruthfulwell spoken
Description: On this video we are going to talk about inclusivity and how it can affect negatively education as more and more historical shows are starting to misrepresent the past to fit into specific agendas. Always defend the historical facts and let's try to represent historical events in a way that is as close to what actually happened as possible. in order to do this, we need to stick to the sources, and let history speak for itself, whether we like what it says or not, whether it aligns with our political ideas and personal preferences or not. That's what it means to be a professional on this field.