Channel: FoundFlix
Category: Entertainment
Tags: in the mouth of madnesscreaturesfoundflix ending explanedend scene90s horrormonstersexplainedexplanationlovecrafteyestrailerendingfoundflixjohn carpenterpractical effectsfinal scenein the mouth of madness ending explainedmeaningapocalypsetwistclipsam neillhp lovecraft
Description: In John Carpenter's underrated In the Mouth of Madness, an insurance claim investigator is thrust into a search for a missing author, and uncovers a bubbling evil that could spell the end of the world. We're breaking down the reality bending story, including the importance of John Trent's worldview, and explaining the bonkers ending. Subscribe! ►► Support FoundFlix on Patreon! ►► FACEBOOK ►► TWITTER ►► INSTAGRAM ►► FAN MAIL: FoundFlix 6009 W Parker Rd Suite 149-174 Plano TX 75093