Channel: Scrubs
Category: Gaming
Tags: scrubsstorytimestory timehigh school storygaming storyscrubaefreakoutlunalifefunny storylife storygaming policekaren freakoutsscrubby storytimekarenaustingaming storytimesgaming storytimefunny storiesinsanegaming storiesscrubbykaren storytimesffamom freakoutgamingstoriescrazy life storygamer vs karenscrubkaren vs gamerangry karen freakoutfortnite commentarylife storieskaren gamersatirecrazy story
Description: Today I wanted to share this storytime from when I was younger where this dudes mom literally came at us saying that she was the gaming police and that our life was over... Spotify Show: - Intro Song⭐🔵: Hi, I'm scrubby and I make a storytime video everyday about life stories. I have plenty of crazy life stories that will entertain you if you. If you want more turn on notifications! I upload funny storytime videos everyday. #storytime #storytimes