Channel: Senax
Category: Gaming
Tags: hate commentshate videoscommentsreadingnot a girlreading my commentsreacting to haters musicallyshaters13 year old reads hate commentsreading hate commentsmean commentsim not a girl and im not 8 years oldim not 8 years oldreacting hate comments6 years oldmorgzold videosreading commentshate7 years oldmemeulous hateim not a girl
Description: Reacting to hate comments/ reading hate comments is what i did in todays video. I got called a girl, mouse, memeulous and a lot more. Im not a girl and im not 8 years old. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Follow me on Twitter : Subscribe to me : My PC: -Gigabyte GTX 960 -Intel core i5 4460 -Bitfenix Nova case