Channel: hobbikats
Category: Pets & Animals
Tags: dextercute catstachekittyhobbikatscutecatacatfunny catsoriental shorthair cat honkbest honking catbinditrynottolaughoriental shorthair catsoriental shorthair honkhonking catspet influencerorientali'm going to honk until you let us incat squadhonking catcatshonkoriental shorthairteddydobbyteddy long legscats of instagrammy cat honks
Description: It's that time again when the hobbikats squad want to park themselves in of all places...the dryer! My four oriental shorthairs love to wait by the dryer until all the washes are done so they can "plant" themselves in some warm sheets. Even Teddy has a lot of honking to make sure he gets what he wants! Enjoy!! If you have cats at home, please always check ALL appliances to make sure your furry beloved ones don't accidentally get in. I ALWAYS do a headcount to ensure they are always accounted for..No exceptions! #Hobbikats #HonkingCat #OrientalShorthair