Channel: Pala
Category: Gaming
Tags: iem fall 2021 europeesl_csgosideline reporterproductionpala gilroyseniem falliem fall 2021esl cscontentinterviewspalaesl csgo liveesportscs go playscsgo pro momentstalentcs go tournamentiem fall 2021 livefinal 2021mantrousseiem fall 2021 highlightsplayerscomedyesl_csgo live2021cs go pro playsprocsgo pro playercs go procs highlightscsgocs go gameplayfinalvlogiem fall 2021 csgoesl_csgo final 2021esl cs goeslcs go
Description: what's up, GAMERS! yes, perhaps u did not realise, but last week i was away working at cs:go pro-eSportz event, run by ESL, IEM fall! was a sick XP, and looking forward to more events as the /naughty word/ (global situation) lessens. thanks for the support! ● Follow me: Twitter → Instagram → Twitch → Facebook → Steam group →