Channel: MindSmash
Category: Education
Tags: explaineducationmixed martial artsmental healthchristianitytop 10beautifulkarateconor mcgregortalentthe zoneknowledgefriedrich nietzschezenjungianphilosophyjesusscienceboxingbodybuildingsaenchaimmalovegamecarl jungmartial artsmotivationbreakdowntechniquetraininginspirationfactslifeislampsychologymusclefightmuay thaimindsportskorelaxoneconfidencebuddhismflow statehighlightsbruce leeufcattractionreligeonmeditationbuddhist
Description: In Jungian psychology, Carl Jung explains how one must integrate the shadow because if one does not, it will find a way out. In this way, to healthily integrate the monster within oneself, to express the darker side of ones personality in healthy ways whether it be martial arts or other sports, weight lifting, watching sports and shouting, cheering with friends as you do... It part of what allows the human animal to remain civil in civilized society.