Channel: Erickson Gaming
Category: Gaming
Tags: nintendoerickson gaming smash brosif link could talk in smash bros brawlif mario could talk in smash broscan link talkif link could talkif link could talk in subspaceandres ericksonnintendo switchif link could talk in smash brosif kirby could talkif link talkednintendo memeserickson gaming subspace emissaryerickson gaming if link could talkcan mario talkjames ericksonif mario could talkfunny nintendogamersif mario talked
Description: Be sure to hit the bell button (next to "Subscribe") to be notified when we post the next episode! We are here to ruin more of your favorite Nintendo characters heehaw. PART 2: ALL OTHER IF LINK COULD TALKS: If Link Could Talk in Super Smash Bros Brawl Subspace Emissary - Part 1 or Episode 1 or whatever you want to call it. Featuring Mario, Kirby, Peach, Zelda, Pit, Petey Piranha, Wario, Palutena, and hello and yes. But where is Link. Subscribe today for funny videos, countdowns, contests, live streaming, and much more video game garbage! Super Smash Bros Brawl Subspace Emissary FOLLOW US... INSTAGRAM: ericksongaming / andresperickson DISCORD: TWITTER: FACEBOOK: TWITCH for more casual fun!: James and Andres Erickson