Channel: ParashockX
Category: Gaming
Tags: if i get hitthe binding of isaacthe outro playsnever split the partyenter the gungeonparashockxparaparashockthe video ends guyif i guythe if i guythe video stopsrogue likehadesroguelike gamesi play another rogue-like gameshockrogue like gamesif i take damagerisk of rainif i take a hitrisk of rain 2try not to take any damageif i seriesthe video endsppshockppshockxrogue-like gamesstreets of roguethe game switches
Description: Games in order 1. Risk of Rain 2 2. Streets of Rogue 3. Enter the Gungeoon 4. Hades 5. Never Split the Party Strem: I have twitter: If you want to support me: