Channel: Jaso
Category: Gaming
Tags: minecraftif clash of clans was made by minecraftwhat if clash of clans was made by minecraftjasoclash of clans new updatenew updateclashgrand buildermade by minecraftif clash of clans was made by mojangspring updateclash of clans movieclash of clans animationif minecraftclash of clans parodymountain golemcolosseum carriercocclash of clans funnyclansclash of clans
Description: If Clash of Clans was made by Mojang (Minecraft) Finale before the Colosseum Carrier / Mountain Golem Update lands. This is a parody video for entertainment purposes only how CoC could be if it was owned by Mojang. Stay tuned for more as I will be making content about Clash of Clans New Update that is just around the corner including Colosseum Carrier, Mountain Golem, Grand Warde... Builder etc. Sub 4 more CoC movie animation / try not to laugh compilation / update news / noob trolling bases / top5 / guides / vs challenges / funny compilations / coc gameplay! :) #clashofclans #coc -------------------------------------------------------------------- ▽ Instagram: ▽ Subscriber count: 872,000 -------------------------------------------------------------------- MY OTHER VIDEOS: SQUID GAME BUT IN CLASH OF CLANS FOR 2.8 MILLION GEMS HOW TO GET FREE GEMS IN CLASH OF CLANS NO CASH/HACK/CHEAT CLASH OF CLANS WAS MADE BY EA TRY NOT TO LAUGH CLASH OF CLANS EDITION -------------------------------------------------------------------- Songs used: 1) Loads of songs from Kevin MacLeod like Sneaky Snitch, Scheming Weasel etc that you can find from his channel - 2) Let Her In - Silent Partner Link: 3) Epic Chase Music - Run Link: 4) Cut It - Silent Partner