Channel: Letitia Kiu
Category: Howto & Style
Tags: goodwilltiktok fashion trendssummer thrift haulthriftingspring shopping haul 2022salvation armytoronto vintagetoronto shoppingspring 2022 shopping guidethrifttiktok thriftingthrift fashion 2022villageoutfitsvalueshoppingthrift home decorhaulthrift with me 2022toronto thriftingthrift y2k haulthrift try on haul 2022spring thriftingthrift fashion haulthrift try on haulthrift haulspring 2022 trendsfashionspring 2022 thrift haul
Description: This thrift neighbourhood in Toronto was a goldmine for me a few years ago, so I decided to go back because the Lansdowne Value Village is closing down. Now I'm trying to find new regular places in the GTA, so if you have any thrift shop recommendations, please let me know! Tell Kat I say hi! ✌ F I N D M E @LETITIAKIU✌ TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter SHOP MY DIY ESSENTIALS Video edited by Aaron Navarro: A B O U T I'm Letitia (Le-tish-a), a fashion school graduate based in Toronto. I'm here to share DIYs, thrift flips, and home decor videos. Stefan and I bought our first home in 2020 and you can watch Our First Home series here: We're renovating our fixer upper home, and sharing all the ups and downs of diy-ing our own renovations. #spring #thrifting #thriftwithme