Channel: Alessandra DeMartino
Category: Comedy
Tags: tripletstupidyou want to be a tripletgrossboyfriendhilariousparodywe want to be a tripletquestionsuglyq and afooddemartinoawesomenesstvunprofessionalewniki and gabii want to be a tripletalex demardemardoll7 datesfunny
Description: my life is sooooo sad. hi guys, just a little who loves to act. YES i am Alex from Dear DeMartino, 00remakegirls, and Niki and Gabi's mysterious older sis. I love to adventure, exploring, and vlogging my little adventures. check it out 🍭♡ where you can find me: -Instagram- @alessandra.demartino I respond to comments! -twitter- @sparklyscorpian tweet me and i'll follow you back!