Channel: Hiddenreaction
Category: Comedy
Tags: advicemotivationfaceskinnyexercisecardiofacialboneguyfitnessplanjawlinedietingfitleanfitnessmusclefatskinnydietweightgainknowledgejawshapecheekbonesweighliftingweightgirllifestylefaceweightlossfacefatcheekbone
Description: A lot of males and females keep asking how to get a more defined face/jaw. In this video I explain to you how I wen't from having a fat face to having a super defined face/jaw. I will be talking about certain workout methods, dieting methods, and overall lifestyle methods that I used to get my face looking lean. Checkout my 4 week Diet/Body Weight workout plan here only $20 for a limited time only: Follow me on Instagram @ Follow me on Twitter @ Check out my online dating course: #Jawline #Howto #Lifestyle #Jaw #Face #Diet #Exercise