Channel: Keshya Valerie
Category: People & Blogs
Tags: sing you to sleepalaina castilloaudrey mikasingingrelaxingwish you were gayariana grandewish you were gay coverlowkey nikisinging asmrbillie eilishneedy ariana grandelowkey niki coverover the rainbowsleepcoverneedy coversoundslowkeywhispering asmrwhisperasmrchloe moriondo
Description: (billie eilish, ariana grande, niki, judy garland) does this even classify as asmr??? n e ways in this vid i'll be singing u to bOREDOM which will eventually lead to sleep c: inspired by alaina castillo!! instagram: soundcloud: business enquiries // ig promotions // RUMAH KECE MGMT FAQ π° age - 15 π° where i'm from - jakarta, indonesia π° camera used - sony a6300 π° mic - samson C01UPRO π° editing software - final cut pro x FTC disclaimer - Not a sponsored video.