Channel: Skeppy
Category: Gaming
Tags: minecraftroleplayminecraft skeppybadboyhalofunny minecrafthypixeltrollingbadboyhalo skeppy battle royaleskywarsminecraft modno swearingdream smpparkourskeppyminecraft trollingmine crafttry not to laughminecraft trollcustomskeppy faceminecraft youtubertrollfamily friendlyglitch momentsminecraft mapi troll badboyhalopgbedwarschallengeno cursing
Description: Skeppy Troll BadBoyHalo in Battle Royale... #Ad Spellbreak is cross-platform, cross-play, and cross-progression and is free to play on Steam, Epic Games Store, Xbox One, PS4, and Nintendo Switch! Check it out: #SpellbreakPartner #Spellbreak Skeppy Trolls BadBoyHalo And For Once, It's Not In Minecraft... Today BadBoyHalo and I play a brand new game called Spellbreak :D What he doesn't know is that I've been practicing, you know, just a little bit, and I've gotten REALLY good at this game. And honestly he could barely exile the first guy that we ran into so he is guaranteed gonna need my help to get through this LMAO. There was so much cool loot for us to grab throughout the game and PLENTY of opportunities to troll Bad, they even had ravines in the game, they really just made it so easy for me hehe. I gotta say the "reviving your squad" feature is one of my favorites :) Plus I think Bad really liked my Bush strategy!!! This video was so fun and hilarious to make so thanks again to Spellbreak for sponsoring this video!!! Also sub to @BadBoyHalo for his amazing singing skills Follow My Twitter - @Skeppy Follow My Instagram - @Skeppy Not Minecraft, But Water Rises or Minecraft, But Lava Rises, or any other but challenge like that. This is a speed runner / survivalist in Minecraft against a killer / assassin / hitmen but it's just BadBoyHalo being bad at video games honestly