Channel: Negosyo Recipes
Category: Howto & Style
Tags: negosyo recipescustard breadflan recipebanana custardno bake banana breadrecipebaked banana breadbanana bread recipefood business recipesbanana bread leche flanbanana recipechef n mealsbread recipetrending leche flan banana breadno bake leche flanbaked leche flan
Description: No bake and baked, my own version of the new trending leche flan banana cake.. This is a delicious guaranteed no fail recipe, I hope you give this a try! Yield 1 pc 9"x 5" and 1 pc 7"x 2" round Ingredients For Leche Flan 3/4 c White Sugar 3 tbsp Hot Water 4 Large Whole Eggs 2 Egg Yoks 370 ml Evaporated Milk 300 ml Condensed Milk 1 tsp Vanilla Extract For Banana Bread 300g Overripe Banana (1 1/4 c puree) 1/4 c Brown Sugar 1/2 c Greek Style Yogurt 200 ml Vegetable Oil 1 pc Large Egg 1 tsp Vanilla Extract 1/2 tsp Cinnamon Powder 1/4 tsp Salt 180g All Purpose Flour (1 1/4 c) 1 tsp Baking Powder 1 tsp Baking Soda For Meringue 2 Egg White 1/8 tsp Cream of Tartar (or 1/2 tsp lemon juice) 1/4 c White Sugar Good luck and hope you guys like it. Don't forget to subscribe and hit the like button for YouTube algorithm it will help us promote our channel to more viewers. Thanks!