Channel: Adanna Madueke
Category: Film & Animation
Tags: wash n goshort 4c natural hairwash n go on short 4c hairwash n go on short hair4c natural hairwash n go short natural hairwash n go short 4c hairadanna maduekewash and go on 4c natural hairwash n go on short 4c natural hairthin natural hairthechicnaturalwash n go short hairwash and gothin 4c hairwash & gowash and go on short natural hairwash n go 4c hairshort 4c hairwash n go thin 4c hairthin 4c natural hairfine 4c hair
Description: I tried a Wash N Go on my thin Short 4c Natural Hair Hey loves, So, today I will be taking y'all through my attempt at trying a wash and go on my thin short 4c natural hair from start to finish. Hope those of us that have fine / thin natural hair and of course everyone else find this video helpful in achieving some effortless defined wash n go on short 4c hair natural hair. Enjoy! :) #4chair #washngo #shorthair HAIR PRODUCTS USED: 1. Curls Blueberry Bliss Leave-in conditioner 2. Creme of Nature: 3. African pride sheen oil: First attempt at doing Twist out on my thin 4c natural hair: For business inquires, please email Subscribe here for free: P.S: Learning is one step at a time. If you don't get it now, you will get it tomorrow as long as you keep practicing with patience. Keep trying... and you will get perfect at it ❤ Social links Instagram: @adannamadueke -Snapchat (genny_dan97) Twitter madueke_adanna Music credit: So good by Ruby Amanfu Black is Gold by Wale FAQ: What camera do I use: Canon 5d Mark iv FTC: Some of the links here are affiliate which means I may receive a referral commission if you choose to purchase via them. However, this does not affect the cost of the items nor does it affect my opinions of the products. You are awesome for reading up till this point and I hope you have a beautiful and lovely day! Don't forget to join the family by subscribing! Love you😍..