Channel: Exalted
Category: Gaming
Tags: fortnite funny momentsragedstackedfortnite montagefncsfaze clanmr savagefortnite livebesttournamentmartoziglexaltedfortnite arenatriostorm surgefortnitefortnite gameplayfortnite updatenrgfortnite battle royalesurgesolo cash cupitsjerian100 thievesfortnite highlightsseason 8fncs season 8fortnite competitive100tclixbughafncs finalsjerianfortnite eventfortnite season 8benjyfishymongraalfortnite tournamentfortnite fncs
Description: Use code: "Exalted" if you want a girlfriend! Twitch: In this video I play my first ever FNCS tournament in my new 0 ping house I moved to with KNG Bhronos, Cryp and Brecci! Salty and I picked up a random trio for our third and some games we POPPED OFF, but other games they woluldnt listen and I started to rage!!! ! We ended up absolutely popping off in some games, and I even had some insane solo clutches! My IGL'ing was insane and we absolutely destroyed every fight until my trio challenged me and stopped listening and I raged! This week ill be playing FNCS with an eGirl! Hopefully we pop off because we've been playing lots of arena and scrims and getting really good! Enjoy my first ever dream hack tournament on 0 ping with my new twitch mod duo where we absolutely pop off! FNCS was so stacked last week this one will be too! TWITCH SEES ALL THESE VIDEOS LIVE SHEEEESH FOLLOW ME AND DROP A PRIME My Social Media: Twitter: Twitch: Tik Tok: Instagram: As always, if you enjoyed the video feel free to leave a like on the video and subscribe to the channel to stay up-to-date with my content. If you have any questions regarding the video, the channel, or myself, leave a comment and I will be sure to get back to you. If you want to support me, use creator code "Exalted" in the item shop! When you use my Creator Code or Link on the Epic Games Store, I receive money from those purchases. โฑ Discord | (eT Clan) โฑ My Setup | โฑ 0 Ping Map Code | 1454-4689-9819 ๐ฅMusic๐ฅ โฑ Mystery Free mystery music for YouTube videos (no copyright) โฑ [No Copyright Music] Chill Lo-fi Hip-Hop Beats FREE (Copyright Free) Lofi Hip Hop Chillhop Music Tags: rodey,rodey bros,rodeybros,fortnite fncs,rodey fncs,rodey fncs season 8,rodey fncs season 8 trios,rodey trio,fortnite fncs chapter 2 season 8,fncs trios,fortnite fncs opens,fortnite na east fncs,fortnite tournament,fortnite tournament gameplay,fortnite tournament fncs,fortnite trios tournament,fncs controller player,controller tournament,tournament on controller,how to find a trio for fncs,fncs qualifiers,fortnite competitive,trio fncs,fortnite comp,fortnite,fortnite battle royale,jerian,itsjerian,fncs,fncs fortnite,fortnite fncs,best fncs placement,how i beat my best fncs placement,my *BEST* FNCS placement,fncs tournament,tournament,fortnite fncs week 1,fncs round 2,fncs week 1,itsjerian fncs,trio fncs,chapter 2 season 8,jerian trio,itsjerian trio,pro fncs,fncs event,fncs chapter 2 season 8,how i beat my highest placement,how i beat my best ever placement,best new placement,fncs placement,fort,fn,Fortnite,Fortnite battle royale,Exalted,fortnite fncs,fncs season 8,fortnite highlights,fortnite competitive,fncs finals,fncs,fortnite montage,clix,100 thieves,itsjerian,100t,faze clan,fortnite live,fortnite gameplay,jerian,nrg,fortnite update,fortnite event,mr savage,fortnite funny moments,fortnite arena,trio,season 8,solo cash cup,mongraal,fortnite season 8,bugha,martoz,benjyfishy,fortnite tournament,best,tournament,IGL,raged,storm surge,stacked,surge,fortnite controller sensitivity x and y, fortnite elite controller sensitivity, xbox elite controller sensitivity fortnite, fortnite controller sensitivity xbox one, best fortnite controller sensitivity xbox, fortnite funny moments,fortnite live,fortnite update,fortnite new,fortnite funny,best console fortnite player,best fortnite players,top 11 fortnite players,fortnite best plays,underrated players,fortnite underrated player,fortnite highlights,fortnite underrated players,eu fortnite,fortnite best,fortnite ninjafortnite,fortnite battle royale,fortnite season 11,fortnite funny,fortnite moments,fortnite best moments,fortnite funny moments,fortnite fails,fortnite gameplay,fortnite live,fortnite new,fortnite wtf,fortnite daily,season 11 fortnite,fortnite volcano,fortnite season 11 trailer,fortnite best,fortnite season 11 battle pass,new fortnite update,fortnite,fortnite wtf moments,fortnite season 11 map,fortnite settings pc, fortnite settings season 11 linear, fortnite settings xbox one, fortnite settings for low end pc, fortnite settings chronic, fortnite settings console, fortnite settings ps4 season 11, fortnite settings for ps4,fortnite settings not saving, fortnite settings aim, fortnite settings and keybinds, fortnite settings ali a, fortnite settings aydan, fortnite settings account, fortnite settings and what they do, fortnite settings aim pc, fortnite settings ads, fortnite settings after update, fortnite settings best, fortnite settings builder pro, fortnite settings building, Best chapter 2 controller settings, best chapter 2 Fortnite gameplay, Fortnite tournament, Fortnite FNCS, fortnite dreamhack, fortnite pro, fortnite montages,fortnite montage songs,fortnite montage,