Channel: H1GGSY
Category: Gaming
Tags: fortnite mongraalmongraal solo eventcontroller to keyboard and mousehow to improve at solos fortnitefortnite battle royaleps4 to pcmongral cupfortnite solo eventkeyboard and mouse progressionmongraal solo cupmy first solo cupfortnite competitiveh1ggsy1 week kbm progressionfortnite mongraal cuphow to improve at fortnitecontroller to kbm fortniteh1ggsy fortnitekbm progressionmongraalmongraal tournamentfortnitemongraal cup
Description: I Played The Mongraal Cup & This is What I Learned... (My First Solo Cup of Season 3) Vlog Channel: Twitch: So I played in the Mongraal cup and these are my highlights. I feel like I learned a lot from playing in the Mongraal Cup and I cannot wait to continue grinding the rest of this season! ► Follow me on Twitter: ✅ ► Join my discord and join the community: 🎤 #PS4toPC #ControllerToKBM